Ordering Nightfall Contents Introduction About Nightfall System requirements How to order Ordering using the Register application Problems, and who to contact Introduction This document tells you about Nightfall, a new game for the Macintosh. The document should be accompanied by an application called ÒRegisterÓ which allows you to print out and fax/mail orders for the game. The document gives instructions on how to do this, as well as other ways of obtaining Nightfall. About Nightfall On the verge of a great discovery, you have been barred from the Egyptian tomb you were exploring. Now, while entering alone one last time, you are trapped by a massive earthquake. With no hope of rescue, do you venture where few have dared? Are the mysteries beyond your only chance of escape? Who has been here before you, and what have they done? Only your skills and imagination can free you, and uncover a mystery that will change the world. Nightfall is a new game for the Macintosh, released in 1999. The game features a rich virtual environment set in Egypt with unprecedented freedom of action. Nightfall is an experience which can be enjoyed in many ways. Exploration and solving mysterious puzzles keeps you engrossed in this non-violent world. When combined with beautiful artwork, haunting music, and leading edge 3D technology, you may find yourself transported into ancient Egypt and beyond. Years of design and research have been spent to intimately link the mythology of this culture to what you can discover. At the same time, all of this is easy to use, with a new patent pending interface which allows you to naturally explore and touch the virtual world. Finally, you can enjoy the game at your own pace, and in your own way, as you can access much of the scenery and music of the game without solving the puzzles, if you so wish. More details about the game are available at www.altorsys.com System requirements The minimum requirements for Nightfall are: 100 MHz or faster Power Mac (150MHz and up recommended), 640x480 screen in thousands of colors, 4x CD-ROM, 9 Megabytes or more of free RAM, 3 Megabytes hard disk space on your system disk. The software requires System 7.5.3 minimum, System 8.1 and above are recommended. Nightfall runs excellently on an iMac. How to order There are three ways to order Nightfall. Online, you can go to our web site, and give your credit card number to receive a copy. Our web site location is www.altorsys.com Inside, go to the Purchasing and specifications section to order the game. A second alternative is to mail us a check, which MUST be drawn on a United States of America bank, and the amount written in US$. Send this, together with the mailing address (and optional email address for status reports) where you want the game sent. The cost for each copy of the game is $34 for addresses inside the United States, and $36 everywhere else. Our address is Nightfall orders, Altor Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 1613, Palo Alto, CA 94302-1613. USA If you are uncomfortable with ordering over the web, or would like to pay in some other manner, you can use the third option. The Register application should be included with this document in a Stuffit archive. If not, please look at the ordering page mentioned in option 1 above to download another copy. You can use the Register application to fill in your order details and credit card, and then mail or fax it to the address on the form. You can also use the form and mail it in with a check, which MUST be drawn on a US bank and the amount written in US$, as well as cash in a variety of currencies. Details on how to use the Register application are given below. Ordering using the Register application 1. Run the Register program and fill out the form: You need to enter your name, email, and postal address. 2. On the form, there are two options for ordering Nightfall. The first, which costs $34 including tax and mailing, is only available to those who want it sent to a mailing address INSIDE the United States. The second option, which costs $36 including tax and mailing, is only available to those who want it sent to an international mailing address, i.e. OUTSIDE the United States. Please choose the appropriate version for you, depending on the mailing address where you would like the application to be sent. 3. Choose how you would like to pay. The form accepts many different payment methods, such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash (in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, First Virtual, and Invoice (to be given to your accounts payable department). 4. Choose if you would like a postcard giving receipt of your order. This costs an additional $1. 5. Send the completed form to Kagi (the company that handles the order details). You can print out the form and post or fax it to Kagi Shareware 1442-A Walnut Street #392-QPL Berkeley, California, 94709-1405 USA FAX: +1 510 652 6589 Alternatively, you can click the copy button to copy the form, then paste it into an email (for example, a Eudora document), and send it as an email to Kagi at Email: If you are concerned that the Register application or this document might be a forgery, or has been altered in some way, please email us at . You can obtain fresh copies at www.altorsys.com from the purchasing and specifications page. Problems, and who to contact If you used the web to order Nightfall, or sent off a form made using the Register application via email , you should expect an email acknowledgement within 3 to 4 days, when the order is processed. Orders sent by fax take up to 10 days and if you provide a correct Internet email address you will receive an email acknowledgement. Orders sent by post can take up to 2 weeks to process. After processing, your order will be mailed off to you. In the US, orders should be received within 10 days of processing, and international orders will be received within 2 weeks. If you did not receive a reply, and you ordered on the web or via the Register application, please contact Kagi. They can be reached as follows: Kagi 1442-A Walnut Street #392-QPL Berkeley, CA 94079-1405 registration: - send your registration and registration related questions here. support: - use this address only after you have registered. Internet: read here for more information. FAQ via email: send a message and receive the current FAQ as a reply. Fax: 510-652-6589 If you sent a check to Altor Systems to order the game, together with your address, and have not received anything, you can contact us as follows: Nightfall order enquiries, Altor Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 1613, Palo Alto, CA 94302-1613. USA email: support@altorsys.com Please have address, date you sent off the order, and the method you used ready.